You might be thinking “hmmm…… another health and fitness site, why is this lady here?” You may be wondering “why is this one different?” Why should I pay attention here? Does anyone really have the answers?

If someone you loved was in danger, would you do something to save them? Of course, you would! Well, I’ve watched people I love live less than full lives when they didn’t have to. I’ve lost people I love way too early. While I can’t make someone change their lives, I wouldn’t be honoring my Creator by keeping what I’ve learned through the years to myself and not helping as many people as I can. I’m dedicated to helping YOU find YOUR answers and help you live the best life possible.

Health isn’t about being skinny, or ripped, or able to go at high intensity for hours on end. It’s about being strong enough to pick up a baby or toddler, being able to get groceries and prepare food. Health is about playing outside, walking in the park, climbing the stairs, going to the beach, or hiking your favorite trail. It’s about being with family and playing with the kids. It’s about life, every day, beautiful, full life.

As a licensed fitness instructor, I’ll help you find ways to move your body to achieve higher levels of fitness regardless of where you’re starting from. As a certified nutrition coach, I’ll help you find what’s going to work for your body so that not only are your nutrition needs met but you have the energy you need to get through your day.

Everybody is different, what works for some won’t work for others. Here at Ponytail Grit, I’ll point you in the right direction so that you can work on your health physically, mentally, and even spiritually. What you’ll find here is how to get and be healthier every day!